Who we are?


We are artists, lovers and partners who were enchanted by the rhythm of Mexican culture, craftsmanship and the rich culture of jewellery making foremost. Very quickly we discovered the magical atmosphere that is around working with stones and crystals. We admired the process of rough minerals being brought into life by local masters of craft. They trade rough minerals and then they cut and polish them into individual pieces. We understood immediately, their work and the dedication they do it with, was something very special. Latin word ‘Amuletum’ refers to an object that helps its wearer, provides energy and protection; an object that safeguards its owner.

People were searching for precious stones and crystals since long ago. Stones were given different attributes with properties such as healing, aesthetics, holders of power and so on. Each crystal is original in its own way, and so we experiment with different techniques to create personal and meaningful objects.


Our journey to Mexico

On our travels around Mexico we often admired the variety of different ways in which jewellery making was practiced by local masters. Both, the way stones were cut, as well as the techniques of wrapping. We were fascinated and couldn’t resist to try ourselves. First, we started to learn from street artists to how to set a stone into a wrap. Ever since that day we keep learning and experimenting with different forms of jewellery making techniques.

Our gained skills helped us to transform our personal expressions into design. Into which we put a bit from us, our fantasy and creativity. Stones have its own energy, which can be helpful to us. Therefore, we have decided to proceed the cleanest way of sourcing the stones. That is to purchase the minerals directly from workshops of local masters of craft. Then we set them into jewellery ourselves, before we pass it on to you, for you. This way we can guarantee all crystals were sustainably sourced and handled with care and respect.

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The story of the Stone road


Stones, that are crucial in every our amulet are exclusively handcrafted by Mexican masters (closer described in Our travels around Mexico)

Amulets are handmade from the very beginning, firstly the stones are cut individually by local craftsman and secondly set into pendants by ourselves. For that purpose, we use a mixture of various techniques and materials. This being said, wire wrapping is one of the most occurring technique in our procreation. We design spontaneously, throughout the process, always opened to new possibilities of craftsmanship and amulet form. We play with the wire around the crystal and by curving, bending and wrapping connect the whole into one entity, the Amulet.

The process in which we create is constantly changing due to new ideas and innovations. If, for instance, someone is allergic to metal wire, we make amulets with wax threads. We create ornamental patterns by weaving and entwining colourful threads together with the stones and crystals carefully set in. We don’t use glue or any other form of adhesives, all of our amulets are a composition of chemical-free techniques. We also experiment with leather; we use it mainly for bracelets but it can be effectively used on pendants too. Having a palette of techniques, it allows us to present amulets ranging from pure clean forms to more intrigue and complex pieces of jewellery.


Crucial part in our work play stones and crystals from Mexico. In our work we use materials sustainably sourced from there. Apart from stones and crystals, there is also a stainless steel wire that is specially modified for better pliability. It is corrosion-resistant and has the same properties as surgical steel. More importantly, doesn’t cause allergic reaction. For small delicate pieces of jewellery, we use chains with Rhodium galvanised finish. Rhodium is a precious metal with strong anti-allergic properties.

Wax threads are very strong and resistant due to its wax finish. Another advantage of this material is the permanence of colours; the finish doesn’t allow for colours to blend because of sun or disappear because of water. The colours of threads we use range from light natural colours to more distinct tones of turquoise and rouge. For bracelets, we use goatskin. Goatskin is soft, flexible and strong; for our purpose it is ideal. Other materials you can see in our creations are seeds, wood, feathers for earrings, pearls for rings and more. All responsibly sourced and selected for wide range of qualities.